
408 tonnes CO2 reduction by fuelling construction equipment with waste and residue vegetable oil

At Cordeel, we make a distinction between different types of carbon emissions. There are our own emissions, such as diesel and petrol used on our construction sites and for our vehicle fleet, as well as our direct consumption of electricity and gas as a business. These are areas where we, as a company, can directly and relatively easily make changes and have an impact. However, we must also consider the emissions in our value chain, including the products we use and their effect on the climate.

We reduced our CO2 emissions in 2023 by using HVO100 fuel and earned a certificate from OQ Value for this. Made from residue vegetable oil and treated with hydrogen, hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) biofuel can be used in any diesel engine and reduces carbon emissions by 90% when compared to fossil diesel. By switching from standard diesel and using HVO100 to power our equipment on construction sites while continuing to electrify, we managed to save 408 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2023. Releasing 408 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere would be like driving for 2,448,000 km in a diesel car or taking 1,060 flights from Amsterdam to Rome.

These savings underline our commitment to sustainability. We are determined to take further steps, including closely monitoring the impact of our supply chain and materials, as well as reducing our own emissions.

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